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Representatives from UN China Study Program Speak highly of Kunshan

On August 3rd, a delegation of 37 representatives from the UN China Study Program embarked on an inspection and exchange tour in Kunshan. The team was led by coordinator He Yong, the former head of the Chinese Language Section at the UN Language Services Department. Chen Liyan,Mayor of Kunshan Municipal Peoples Government, took part in relevant activities.

The delegation visited Duke Kunshan University and ZhouzhuangWater Town, praising Kunshan as a city strong in economy, rich in innovation, and blessed with a pristine environment. Notably, itpromotes the creative transformation and development of traditional Chinese culture and builds itself into an ideal place to live, work, and visit. The UN China Study Program stays committed to deepening ties and practical collaborations with Kunshan,ushering in the new era of cultural exchanges and mutual learning.