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Zhangpu Jinhua Cured Pork

Jinhua Cured Pork made in Jinhua Village in Zhangpu Town is called “Jinhua Larou” in Chinese because it is produced when “Layue”, the twelfth lunar month, arrives. Its processing technique dates back to the period of 1241–1252 (during reign of Emperor Lizong) from the Southern Song Dynasty and has been passed down from generation to generation. In olden days, people in Jinhua Village living on crop planting and pig breeding used to kill a pig, cure its meat, and preserve it for the next year. Jinhua Cured Pork has been put on Kunshan’s fifth list of intangible cultural heritage items. Due to its regional and traditional characteristics, it is promoted as a cured meat brand unique to Suzhou.

Address: Available at stores in Jinhua Village in Zhangpu Town, Kunshan

Contact: 0512-57293701

Transportation: Bus No. 133 from Kunshan South Railway Station

Opening hours: 8:00-20:00