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Zhouzhuang Wansan Pork Knuckle

Wansan Pork Knuckle is a must-have cuisine in Zhouzhuang. The dish was created by the family of Shen Wansan (1330-1379), a wealthy businessman from the Ming Dynasty. When local residents prepare a banquet for distinguished guests, celebrate a festival or hold a wedding ceremony, this signature dish would always be served. Wansan Pork Knuckle needs to be stewed with eighteen seasonings for several hours so that it becomes soft and succulent, but not heavy. They present a beautiful balance between flavor and color, and encompass the auspicious meaning of good luck.

Address: “Kunshan Youli” Gift Store (recommended), next to Zhouzhuang Qiaobei Parking Lot

Contact: 13776305264

Transportation: Along the same route to Zhouzhuang Ancient Town

Opening hours: 8:30-19:00