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Zhoushi Stewed Duck

Zhoushi Stewed Duck has a wonderful aroma. It tastes soft, tender and juicy, and is greatly favored by local residents. Its preparation involves strict control of elements such as ancestral seasonings and cooking temperature. The special soup which is made of more than ten Chinese herbs such as clove, cinnamon, nard and fennel as well as seven seasonings such as yellow rice wine, spring onion and ginger, can be used for decades and doesn’t spoil even in the hottest summer. In 1999, Zhoushi Stewed Duck was designated as a “Jiangsu Fine Cuisine” by Jiangsu Cuisine Association. In 2007, it was put on the first Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage from Kunshan by Kunshan Municipal People’s Government. In 2016, it was recognized as a “Jiangsu’s Time-honored Brand”.

Address: Taihe Stewed Duck Processing Plant in Zhoushi Town, Kunshan

Contact: 13913221612

Transportation: Bus No. 104

Opening hours: 10:00-20:00