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Kunshan Culture Center

Kunshan Culture Center was established in 1949 and is now located at 128 North Zhujiang Road within the Civic Culture Square. It has a total area of 5,363 m2 and a floor area of 4,133 m2, and is well-equipped with a theater, exhibition halls, a multi-functional hall, a dance rehearsal hall, and various training classrooms.

Opening hours: 9:00-18:00

Contact: 0512-55239961

Address: 128 North Zhujiang Road, Kunshan (within the Civic Culture Square)

Transportation: Take Suzhou Metro Line 11 to Xiuyi Station; Bus No. 16 or 19 to Xiwan Xincun Station; Bus No. 8 to Metro Xiuyi Station; or Bus No. 104, 106, 108, or 5 to Zhenchuan Road-Zhujiang Road Station